The Heart of a Mediator
Mary Lou Bryant Frank, Ph.D.
February 25, 2020
Holding the promise of peace
In a sea of anger, fear, and confusion,
I walk into the room.
Each time,
it is always new.
The opportunity lies in listening
And always, I learn.
When those trapped in the conflict let go,
Sometimes they forgive.
Other times, they recognize the common humanity
That lies in “the other” person.
Still, they may not be ready to disconnect from the dance,
Their egos, too fragile to admit fallibility.
Whenever we leave the table, I am humbled
That they would trust me with their pain.
Whatever the outcome
I hope they felt heard and know
They could understand each other’s side and
Find a way out, if they take a risk on peace,
As I hope to do, each day.
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